I have long been a follower of art blogs and this is where I came across my new favourite, on a site such as Booooooom or something similar. I love them all equally, they merge into one and that is most certainly why I have forgotten.

Megham Howland is  an artist from Massachutsetts, now based in Portland, she predominantly works with oil on canvas. Her paintings feature human subjects, their faces and bodies obscured by birds, flowers or balloons. Her paintings embody a certain theatricality, a window into an imagined but almost probable world. A recurring theme in her 2011 paintings, subjects faces and bodies are  immersed by a flock of homogeneous birds.There is a playfulness to the images, they are often beautiful but subsequent years have seen her paintings become increasingly sinister.


For instance, in her 2011 series of paintings (see above) , the birds were often embracing the human subject, there was a quietness, a tranquillity to the paintings , like the birds and human subject were in a harmonious relationship with each other. However one of my favourite paintings from 2012, is of what appears to be a small blonde boy, his face completely obscured by a small flurry of birds. The properties  are muted colours for dress and surroundings and the childs hair is blonde. The birds are black with a streak of red on their fur which serves as an aggressive contrast. There is a Hitchcockian aesthetic to the image, although admittedly this could be simply down to a connection made by myself of the auteurs more renowned film, The Birds.



One of my favorite paintings is a 2010 portrait of a close up of what appears to be a porcelain doll.It is a striking image and part of a series of paintings concentrating on the images of dolls. It is the only time she deviated from human subjects.

Meghan Howland  has claimed that ” I think the most important thing about my art, to me, is its way of communicating without too many words or explanations”. Paintings are open for interpretation.

See for yourself…
